Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The BCC in England

I left Malaysia in December 2007 to join the Biblical Core Course at The King's Lodge, Warwickshire, England.

Before the BCC started, I winged over the Atlantic to spend Christmas week in Vancouver, BC with Sandra & David Tai's family. I had spent a few days with them just a couple of months earlier during the Asian Outreach annual convention in Phuket, Thailand. They have committed themselves to faithfully serve in Asian Outreach which is a huge mission agency in addition to being leaders in the Coastal church which is their home church.

It doesn't snow very often in Vancouver but it did just before Christmas. David very kindly did some specialized dental work on my teeth and dental implant. It was wonderful to be able to spend some time with the Tai family once more.

On Christmas morning we went to Coastal church for a beautiful Christmas service.

Later that day the Tais' had prepared a fantastic Christmas dinner at their home and I got to meet Sandra's parents again. They seem to be in really good shape.

The BCC commenced in early January 2008 under the able leadership of Steggy and Andy Thomas. The first few weeks when we acquired vital charting skills during the seminar phase of the course were particularly demanding. This initial intensity in a way makes it seem more demanding than the 9 month SBS which covers the whole Bible.

The class photo was taken during a class trip to visit the National Library and British Museum. We were able to look at ancient documents and Assyrian artifacts that relate to what we had been reading about in the historical and prophetic books.

Mid-way through the BCC, there was a mid-term break over a long weekend and I decided to visit my good friend Chee-Kuan in Amsterdam and stayed with him in Amstelveen. Was able to visit the IOI refinery in Rotterdam, cross over the massive sea barrier and revisit sites I had not seen since my last visit to the Netherlands in 2002.

It rarely snows in Warwickshire, especially when it is so close to Springtime - but it did on Easter morning! My concern for the blooming tulips and daffodils proved unfounded as the snow did not last very long. This pic was taken on the field in front of The King's Lodge. Our BCC classroom is on the ground-floor and the windows are just to the left of my head.

Early Springtime in England is lovely, especially on a sunny day - even if temperatures are still fairly low. I am thrilled watching different plants, trees and shrubs bloom or bud every new week.

As I look at the new life spring up around me, I feel a little sad for my cousin Irene's husband, George Lew, who went home to be with Jesus before winter ended. George was a generous soul and always very helpful. I am sure that he will be sorely missed by his family and friends.

During the last weekend of the BCC at The King's Lodge, I made a trip to Holyhead on Anglesey island in Wales. The long walks along the dramatic Welsh coastline were exhilarating.
We had our BCC graduation a little over a week after this photo was taken. Sadly the pics taken during the class graduation ceremony did not turn out well.


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